Sunday 24 February 2019

Operation Market Garden

4 Days in September

Scenario 4 -  Arnhem Bridge

Battle map based on WW2 Topographic Maps from McMaster University Library
Used under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Licence
Click map to enlarge

Arnhem Bridge is the final battle of our 4 Days in September Campaign and sees the valiant attempt by 1st Parachute Brigade and supports to capture the road and rail bridges at Arnhem during the first 4 days of the battle.

Major General R.E. Urquhart was in command of the British First Airborne Division which was to be dropped on heathland drop-zones 6 to 8 miles from the bridges at Arnhem. Critically, the division could only be dropped over three days, and we will follow the 1st Parachute brigade which was dropped on day one and their dash into Arnhem. Later drops were interrupted and delayed by enemy action, or were used to defend the landing zones and later the shrinking perimeter at Oosterbeek, and we won't use them for this battle.

German troops on the ground consist initially of scratch training battalions and reserves, but the Paras quickly run into hardened SS troops rushed into Arnhem from the surrounding area. Expecting 'old men on bicycles' and rear area troops, the British are unexpectedly caught out by two re-fitting SS Panzer divisions and end up fighting one of the hardest fought battles of the war.

The entire campaign depends on the result of this battle, and there are three Scenario variations. We select a scenario depending on how well the Allies did during the rest of the campaign. Each scenario has a different stage of the battle at which XXX Corps arrives, if at all, and also the strength of the German forces. 

There are three different Scenarios 4A, 4B and 4C depending on the number of Campaign Victory Points accrued.

12+ points play Scenario 4A: Bang on Schedule. XXX Corps arrives in Arnhem early D+2, 19th September.
8+ points play Scenario 4B: Late but just in time. XXX Corps arrives in Arnhem early D+3, 20th September.
Fewer points play Scenario 4C: Historical outcome. XXX Corps fails to arrive in Arnhem before historical resistance at the bridge collapses overnight end of D+3, 20th September, with the survivors breaking out on morning of 21st September.

Set Up
 See map above. Table Outline is in red based on a standard 6'x4' table with ground scale of 1inch=100 metres. One map square=1 Kilometer.

When setting up the table we put numerous built-up areas on the table corresponding to the approximate area of Arnhem. The areas around the city centre near the bridge we made stone buildings, whereas much of the rest of the sub-urbs were wooden building zones. We also placed stone buildings zones at several important locations - notably St.Elizabeths Hospital/Museum area at the Western edge of Arnhem, and the Hartenstein Hotel area. Note that the northern 'off' ramp from the road bridge is a significant relatively open area. There is a large Cathedral here, St Eusebius, which was tactically important as a snipers nest.

There is also two areas high ground which had an important part to play as it dominated the approaches to the bridge - this is found  at the St.Elizabeths Hospital / Museum area which dominates the lower road to the Arnhem bridge, and also the high ground which was at least partly forested to the north of Arnhem. West of Arnhem is a series of forested areas interspersed with open ground, and then the village / small town of Oosterbeek in and around the forest. To the West, off table, is the dropping zones. South of Oosterbeek to the Railway bridge is open ground. The southern side of the river is largely open ground, with a built up stone building area at the Brick Works in the bend on the river, which again was a significant German position in the battle.

 We had the main red roads and red dashed roads, and the railway, deployed on table but not the wee minor roads which we classed as open ground or town zones. The main river, the Nederijn, itself was deployed as shown on the map and is 200 metres (2 inches) or so wide at Arnhem.

Historical Deployment
German forces deployed are the SS Krafft being the only real formation on the ground as they were training in the woods and heaths around Oosterbeek when the landings took place. They form a blocking line to the West of Oosterbeek around point Z on the map, with one Company in the centre of Arnhem. German reinforcements come along the roads to the North U, V, W and X. These can be randomly determined when the Germans enter. The only other entry point is Y where SS Graebners recon battalion attacks the Road Bridge from the South. The survivors from this attack then took up positions on the southern side of the Rhine at the Brick Works, and contributed to the deadly crossfire that stopped the Paras in their charge through to reinforce Frost and the Engineers at the bridge.

The British Parachute Battalions each enter along one of the main routes into Arnhem. The 2nd Battalion under Frost follows the Lion route, with a Company attempting to capture the Rail Bridge, then the rest went along the riverside to the Arnhem Road Bridge.

3 Para under Fitch moves along the Tiger route, through Oosterbeek, with Dobies 1st Battalion moving down the Leopard Amsterdamseweg route and tasked with taking the Westerbouwing heights to the North of Arnhem. The 1st Airborne Reconnaisance Squadron in mg-armed jeeps under Gough were tasked with speeding down the Leopard Route to capture the road bridge ahead of the infantry.

Pre-game Reconnaissance and Bombardment (see page 59 & 60)
These games start with troops moving into contact so there is no pre-game reconnaisance or bombardment.

Victory Conditions
All the Scenarios run for 12 Turns. See the Reinforcements section below to see what arrives for each side during the game.

Scenarios 3A & 3B will see a Campaign Victory for the Allies if at the end of Turn 12 the Allies hold at least 1 River Crossing over the Rhine. This is achieved by having at least one Allied Unit in control of each side of the crossing.

3C is in effect an unwinnable scenario for the Allies - the historical outcome, where XXX Corps can't possibly make it in time before the road bridge fell to the Germans, and the best the Allies can hope for is an honourable defeat.

Historical Outcome
The Paras landed and initially progressed well, but once they get into Oosterbeek they started to become delayed by crowds of civilians. The German troops in SS Kraft quickly reacted and deployed blocking forces which again held up the British. Frosts troops arrived at the railway bridge only to find it blown in their faces as they approached, and they then moved on along the river road arriving at dusk at the Road Bridge along with Fitch's engineers and some of the Recce troops.

No other units made it to the Road Bridge in any strength, and a confused situation developed as the German forces started to arrive in strength over the next hours and days. Soon German armoured car units arrived and blocking lines on the higher ground prevented the Paras from making it through to Frost at the bridge.

Heavy Artillery and tanks were then brought up which smashed Frosts perimeter at the bridge. An attack by the SS Recon battalion was defeated by Frosts men, but with rising casualties a ceasefire was arranged to evacuate the wounded.

By the evening of Day 4 Frost was wounded and captured, and organised resistance gradually faded away at the bridge with a final radio transmission heard by the Germans of "Out of Ammunition, God Save the King!".

The battle at the bridge was over, and the focus of the operation shifted to the defensive pocket at Oosterbeek where the rest of General Urquharts 1st Parachute Divison made a determined final stand - but the overall objective of Market-Garden to get XXX Corps over the Rhine and into Germany was largely ended with the loss of the Arnhem Bridge.

Players Notes
The game sees a relatively fixed British Para Brigade tasked with charging into Arnhem as quickly as possible, while the Germans must delay the British as long as possible while their forces increase in strength.

This is a challenging scenario for both sides, and particularly the Germans must carefully balance their actions with their force morale. The British troops as in many ways stronger in terms of infantry, but if they start to take heavy casualties and are not in strong defensive positions they will likely start to find the German armour and armoured cars too strong.

In all scenarios reinforcements are generated by rolling a d8 from Turn 2 onwards. Cross off each number as you roll them - if the number is rolled again, then re-roll.

Allied Reinforcements & German Reinforcements
 Scenario 4A:
1:  KG Knaust
2:  SS KG Spindler 9SS
3:  SS KG Brinkmann 10SS
4:  SS KG Graebner (only from turn 6. If earlier, re-roll)
5:  RAF airstrike, 3 x Spitfire
6:  Old men on bicycles - no effect
7:  Polish Drop
8:  PAN Dutch Resistance

Remnants Irish Guards XXX Corps from Nijmegen Scenario 3 arrive from Turn 7 (roll d6 start Turn 7, arrive on roll of 5,6. Repeat each turn, adding additional +1 each successive turn) at Point Y on map.

Scenario 4B:
1:  KG Knaust
2:  SS KG Spindler 9SS
3:  SS KG Brinkmann 10SS
4:  SS KG Graebner (only from turn 6. If earlier, re-roll)
5:  RAF Airstrike, 3 x Spitfire
6:  Old men on bicycles - no effect
7:  Polish Drop
8:  PAN Dutch Resistance 

Remnants Irish Guards XXX Corps from Nijmegen Scenario 3 arrive from Turn 9 (roll d6 start Turn 9, arrive on roll of 5,6. Repeat each turn, adding additional +1 each successive turn)at Point Y on map.

Scenario 4C:
1:  KG Knaust
2:  SS KG Spindler 9SS
3:  SS KG Brinkmann 10SS
4:  SS KG Graebner (only from turn 6. If earlier, re-roll)
5:  Luftwaffe Airstrike, 3 x Me109
6:  Assault Gun Brigade 280
7:  KG Harder
8:  Old men on bicycles - no effect

XXX Corps doesn't arrive.

Polish Drop: Polish Battalions drop near to the battle zone. Some Polish troops filter through to the front line after fighting through their landing zones. 1d6 British Para units may recover 1-3 hits.

Dutch Resistance: 1 Unit of 3 Green Rifles appear from the Oranje Battalion of the Dutch Resistance. These may be added to any British Para formation. Each has 3 Hits.

Allied Forces

1st Parachute Brigade, Brigadier Gerald Lathbury
Force Morale: 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
(see page 37-38)

1st Parachute Battalion
Lt. Col. Dobie
Command: +1(+1) Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response: 7  Hits: 3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 1 x 3" Mortar ###  (5) 1 x Bren Carrier Scout
Assets: 1 x MG, 1 x 6pdr ATK
Transport: Jeeps/Carriers for 6pdr & Mortars

2nd Parachute Battalion
Lt. Col. Johnny Frost
Command: +2(+1) Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response: 8  Hits: 3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 1 x 3" Mortar ###  (5) 1 x Bren Carrier Scout
Assets: 1 x MG, 1 x 6pdr ATK
Transport: Jeeps/Carriers for 6pdr & Mortars

3rd Parachute Battalion
Lt. Col. John Fitch
Command: +1(+1) Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response: 7  Hits: 3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 1 x 3" Mortar ###  (5) 1 x Bren Carrier Scout
Assets: 1 x MG, 1 x 6pdr ATK
Transport: Jeeps/Carriers for 6pdr & Mortars

1st Airborne Recon Squadron
Major Freddie Gough
(1) 3 x Para Rifle
Assets: 2 x Engineer Assets
Transport: Recce MG Jeeps
This unit attaches to one of the Parachute Battalions - players choice


4A & 4B - Irish Guards Battlegroup
Surviving troops from Scenario 3: from 3rd Battalion Irish Guards, 2nd Battalion Irish Guards, 55th Field Regiment RA and 153rd Field Regiment RA (self propelled). 

German Forces

HQ - General Heinz Harmel 10th SS Frundsberg

Force Morale: 12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

SS Kampfgruppe Krafft
SS-Capt. Sepp Krafft

 Command: +2 (+1)  Morale: 8  Training: Regular  Response: 8  Hits: 2
(1) 3 x Rifles  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) 3 x Rifle  
(4) 120mm Mortar  (5) Trench Mortar
(6) 1 x Engineer Inf Unit (deploys Southern End Arnhem Railway Bridge)
(7) 1 x Rifle Unit (deploys in pill-box at Northern end Arnhem Road Bridge)
Assets: 2 x MG, Flamethrower
Transport: Trucks
Engineers: May be ordered to blow the Railway Bridge, but only once enemy troops have been observed and are in engagement range. Roll 1d6, bridge blows on 5 or 6. Add an extra 1 to the dice for each subsequent attempt.
Deployment: One Infantry Company must deploy in Arnhem, rest deploy in Oosterbeek.

Kampfgruppe Knaust
Major Hans Peter Knaust

Command: +2 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Green  Response: 7  Hits: 2-1
(1) 3 x Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) 3 x Rifle  
(4) 1 x Panzer III, 1 x Panzer IV  (5) 1 x Tiger I (scenario 4B & 4C only)
Assets: none
Transport: none
Artillery: 1 x Artillery F/O, O/T 105mm ###, 105mm ###, Request=6  FV=4

SS Kampfgruppe Graebner
SS Capt. Victor Graebner

Command: +2 (+1)  Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response: 8  Hits: 3-1
(1) 1 x Sdkfz 234/2, 1 x Sdkfz 234/4, 1 x Sdkfz 231, 1 x Sdkfz 222
(2) 3 x SS Panzer Grenadier Rifle  (3) 1 x Sdkfz 250/9, 1 x Sdkfz 222, 1 x MG Asset (scenario 4B & 4C only, to Brickworks) 
(4) Sdkfz 250/7 81mm Mortar ##
Assets: 1 x MG, 1 x Motorcycle Recce
Transport: Grenadiers are in Sdkfz 250/1

SS Kampfgruppe Spindler (inc SS Moeller, SS Gropp, SS Von Alleworden)
SS Lt. Col. Ludwig Spindler

 Command: +2 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Regular  Response: 7  Hits: 2-1
(1) 4 x Inf Engineers  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) 1 x Jagdpzr IV  (4) 2 x 20mm AA  (5) 1 x Panther
Assets: 1 x Pak 40, 2 x MG, 1 x Inf Recce
Transport: Engineers are in Hanomags.

Assault Gun Brigade 280
(1) 2 x Stug III
attaches to any already deployed German Formation

SS Kampfgruppe Brinkmann (inc SS Panzer Grenadier Regt. 21)
SS Sturmbahnfuhrer Heinz Brinkmann

 Command: +2 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Veteran  Response: 8  Hits: 3-1
(1) 1 x Sdkfz 234/2, 2 x Sdkfz 250/9, 1 x Sdkfz 222  (2) 3 x SS Pzr Gren Rifle  
(3) 3 x SS Pzr Gren Rifle (scenario 4B,4C only)  (4) 3 x SS Pzr Gren Rifle (scenario 4B,4C only)
(5) 2 x King Tiger (scenario 4C only, arrives Turn 8)
(6) 81mm Mortar ##
Assets: 1 x MG Asset per Rifle Company
Transport: Grenadiers are in Trucks.

Kampfgruppe Harder
SS Lt. Harder

 Command: +1 (+1)  Morale: 6  Training: Green  Response: 7  Hits: 2-1
(1) 3 x Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) 3 x Rifle
Assets: none
Transport: none
Artillery: 1 x FO, O/T 1 x 155mm ###, 1 x 155mm ###, Request=6, FV=6

Saturday 8 December 2018

Operation Market Garden

4 Days in September

Scenario 3 -  Crossing the Waal

Battle map based on WW2 Topographic Maps from McMaster University Library
Used under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Licence
Click map to enlarge

This third game in the KGC III Campaign sees one of the most heavily contested battles in Operation Market Garden: Nijmegen. Many see Nijmegen as the battle where Market Garden failed, and as a wargame scenario it is a real challenge for the Allied forces.

The 82nd 'All American' Airborne Division was dropped to the South East of Nijmegen around the Groesbeek Heights which was seen as strategically important. US forces were expected to protect the vulnerable right flank of the Allied armoured thrust from the nearby German forces in the Reichswald forest.

Additionally, several bridges required to be captured, including Grave and the Rail and Road Bridges at Nijmegen. On the 17th of September Grave bridge was captured and the Groesbeek Heights were secured. The main direct route bridges on the Maas-Waal Canal were blown but another secondary crossing was captured. However it was only till late on in the 17th that two companies of infantry from 1/508th was sent into Nijmegen to try and capture the bridges. This was very unfortunate as early on the 17th the Bridges were only lightly defended. However, becoming aware of the importance of the bridges as the 17th worn on, scratch troops had been sent into Nijmegen and Kampfgruppe Henke had been coalesced to try and defend the bridges and these repulsed the US Paras, with German motorised reinforcements arriving just as the Paras attacked. During this initial fierce battle it is thought that the demolition mechanism for the bridge was destroyed in the Post Office, which was to prove critical for the later battle for the Bridges.

The battle was to rage on into the 19th, and our Campaign now takes two alternate paths.

If the Allies have accrued 8 or more Campaign Victory Points, then play Scenario 3A. If they have less than 8 Points, play Scenario 3B.

3A assumes a better than historical performance by the Allies, and XXX Corps is close to schedule. This sees the Irish Guards battlegroup arrive at some point in the afternoon of D+1, the 18th. In the early morning of the 18th, the 1st and 3rd Battalions 508th had been heavily engaged in Nijmegen. The 3rd Battalion returned to defend the drop zone during the morning. Scenario 3A sees Irish Guards arrive to reinforce the US Paras and attempt to force the crossing, critically before some German reinforcements have arrived.

3B follows more closely the historical timeline. It is however still possible for XXX Corps to cross in time to get to Arnhem and reinforce Frost. Scenario 3B sees the action take place in the afternoon of D+2, the 19th and then through the day of D+3, the 20th.

Set Up
See map above. Table Outline is in red based on a standard 6'x4' table with ground scale of 1inch=100 metres. One map square=1 Kilometer.

When setting up the table we put numerous built-up areas on the table corresponding to the approximate area of Nijmegen on the map. We had the main red roads and red dashed roads, and the railway, deployed on table but not the wee minor roads which we classed as open ground. The main river, the Waal, itself was deployed as shown on the map and is 300 metres (3 inches) wide at Nijmegen.

The Fort Hof Van Holland and the Fort Valkhof were old fortifications and should be strongpoints. The SS engineers laid mines around the Valkhof.

We also deployed open areas South of both bridges to show the Kronnenburger and Hunner Park as per the map. This makes the Allied attacks more difficult. 

Red Dotted Line: Allies- US Forces may deploy anywhere South of the red dotted line. Note this is in close contact with German forces.

Irish Guards & other Reinforcements enter from either of the two red marked roads on the map to the South or South West.

Blue Letters: Germans - Forces are deployed as follows on the map
A: Hunner Park & Fort Valkhof - Kampfgruppe Euling
B: Kronenburger Park / Railway Bridge Southern ramp - Fallschirmjager Henke, 10SS Engineers (part)
C: Fort Hof Van Holland & North Bank Waal - HQ Fallschirmjager Henke & Wehrkreis VI
D: Scenario 3B only - SS Kampfgruppe Reinhold.

Historical Deployment
Historical deployment is as per the set-up above.

Pre-game Reconnaissance and Bombardment (see page 59 & 60)
These games start with troops in contact so there is no pre-game reconnaisance or bombardment.

Victory Conditions

Scenario 3A 18th September to morning 19th September
The scenario lasts for 8 turns. The first four represent the attacks by 3/508th afternoon of 18th September supported by Irish Guards battlegroup when they arrive, through to the morning of 19th when the Germans mounted a counter-attack at the Groesbeek heights infiltrating the landing zone.

Scenario 3B 19th September late afternoon - end of day 20th September
The scenario lasts for 11 turns. The first 3 turns represent the late afternoon attack by the Guards Division supported by the 2/505th. The rest of the scenario is the action on the 20th September which lasted all day, culminating with the river assault on the Waal by 3/504th.

In both Scenarios, victory is determined by the Allied players exiting at least three Irish Guards Units off the Northern road. Recce units do not count, and at least 1 Unit must be armoured. American Para infantry Units can also count if they are tank riding.

Campaign Victory Points: 
Scenario 3A:                 
Achieve conditions by Turn 6       5 CVP
Achieve conditions by Turn 8       4 CVP

Scenario 3B:                
Achieve conditions by Turn 8       3 CVP
Achieve conditions by Turn 11     2 CVP

Principally German objectives are to prevent Allies acquiring VP's.

Historical Outcome
Historically the recently arrived Grenadier Guards hastily attacked with the 2/505th late in the day on the 19th but didn't manage to capture the bridges. The following day the battle raged on with XXX Corps capturing Nijmegen but unable to take the bridges.

The Irish Guards and the 3/504th captured the river bank opposite the Fort Hof Van Holland early on in the morning of the 20th. They waited for the assault boats to arrive before they could cross the Waal. Meanwhile, bitter fighting between the SS defenders and XXX Corps and Airborne was ongoing in Nijmegen. At 3pm Major Julian Cook and two companies of the 3/504th with artillery support, Spitfires and fire from the Irish Guards tanks. Under smoke cover, Cooks men captured the Railway Bridge and the Grenadier Guards tanks started to roll over it and the Waal Road Bridge which was also then captured. German attempts to detonate the bridge charges failed.

With daylight running out and no Guards infantry support, and having encountered German anti-tank units on the other side of the bridge, the Guards halted. This was the final chance of reaching Arnhem in time.

Players Notes
This is a really challenging Scenario for the Allies, particularly 3B with the increased German forces and the 88's.

The Germans must hold on as long as possible on the Nijmegen side where they have sufficicent cover to try and take on the armoured units. It is particularly difficult for the Allies to quickly make ground here against the SS and the Engineers. Over the river the troops are poorer and the terrain is more open, but the FLAK provide more firepower to take on the tanks.

Both sides need to use Artillery support wisely and this can be key to success.

River Crossing
3/504th may attempt a River Crossing over the Waal once they hold the southern bank of the river. In reality the 3/504th captured the southern bank on the evening of the 19th and were scheduled to go over at 08.00 hours on the 20th, but this was delayed and further delayed until 3.00pm.

In the game to simulate this, once the 3/504th capture a river bank, roll a d6 each turn with the assault boats arriving on a roll of a 6. Add a cumulative one to the dice each turn after the first.

Crossing the River should take a move order per Company, with only 1 company crossing at a time. Bear in mind there will be no cover for those crossing, and they will require appropriate support.

Allied Reinforcements
Scenario 3A: The Irish Guards arrive on Turn 1 on a roll of 5,6 on a d6, otherwise they arrive on Turn 2.

Scenario 3 B: the battle is fought by 2/505th and the Irish Guards from Turn 1, with the 3/504th reinforcing from Turn 3. Roll 1d6, arrive that Turn on a roll of 5,6 adding 1 to dice each turn

Allied Forces

Force Morale: 7  6  5  4  3  2  1
(see page 37-38)

3A - 1st Battalion 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Div.
Lt. Col. Shields Warren
Command: +1(+1) Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response:7  Hits:3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 81mm Mortar ###  (5) 60mm Mortar ####
Assets: 2 x MG
Transport: on foot

3B - 2nd Battalion 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Div.
Lt. Col. Ben Vandervoort
Command: +1(+1) Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response:7  Hits:3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 81mm Mortar ##  (5) 60mm Mortar ##
Assets: 2 x MG
Transport: on foot


3A & 3B - Irish Guards Battlegroup
Surviving troops from Scenario 1: from 3rd Battalion Irish Guards, 2nd Battalion Irish Guards, 55th Field Regiment RA and 153rd Field Regiment RA (self propelled). 

3B - 3rd Battalion 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Div.
Major Julian Cook
Command: +1(+2)  Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response: 7  Hits:3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 81mm Mortar ###  (5) 60mm Mortar ####
Assets: 2 x MG, 2 x Assault Engineers
Transport: on foot

Air Support

RAF Spitfire Squadron
Request         Spitfire                 Spitfire
Accuracy 3

German Forces

Force Morale: 6  5  4  3  2  1

Following forces found in Both 3A & 3B Scenarios:

SS Kampfgruppe Euling Panzer Grenadier Regiment 33
(inc Wehrmacht & Police Reserves)
SS Lt. Col Karl-Heinz Euling

 Command: +1 (+2)  Morale: 7  Training: Regular  Response: 7  Hits: 2
(1) 3 x Pzr Gren Rifles  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) 3 x Rifle  (4) 3 x SS Engineers, Brandt  (5) 1 x JgdPzrIV
Assets: 2 x MG, 1 x Pak 40, 1 x Infantry Recce
Transport: Unit 1 Panzer Grenadiers have access to Hanomags.

Fallschirm Henke - Herman Goering Training Rgt. & 10SS Engineer Co. Baumgartel
Command: +1 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Regular  Response: 8  Hits 2
(1) 3 x SS Rifle  (2) 3 x SS Rifle Engineers  (3) 3 x Rifle
(3) 81mm Mortar ##  (5) 81mm Mortar ## 
Assets: 1 x 20mm Flak, 1 x Pak40 ATK, 2 x MG
Transport: for Pak only.

HQ Fallschirmjager Regiment Henke, North Bank, & Ersatz Battalion Wehrkreis VI
Fall. Oberst Henke
Command: +1 (+1)  Morale: 6  Training: Green  Response: 7  Hits 2
(1) 4 x FJ Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle
(3) 81mm Mortar ##
Assets: 2 x 20mm FLAK
Transport: None
Artillery: 1 x FO, attach as required
Off table batteries 155mm ##   155mm ##   155mm ##  Request:6, FV:6

3B only: SS Reinhold, North Bank
SS Capt. Leo Herman Reinhold
Command: +2 (+1)  Morale: 6  Training: Green  Response: 7  Hits 2
(1) 3 x Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) 3 x Rifle
(3) 81mm Mortar ##  (5) 120mm Mortar ## 
Assets: 2 x 88mm FLAK
Transport: None
Artillery: 1 x FO, attach as required
Off table batteries 155mm ##   155mm ## Request: 6, FV: 6

Operation Market Garden

4 Days in September

Scenario 2 -  Best: The Hornets Nest

Battle map based on WW2 Topographic Maps from McMaster University Library
Used under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Licence
Click map to enlarge

The second game in the KGC III Campaign is based on the less well known battle around the village of Best. Best was selected as a secondary objective for 101st Airborne during the pre-drop planning. This was to provide an alternative crossing over the Wilhelmina Canal to the favoured prime objective of the Son Bridge. The game takes place from the afternoon of 17th September through to midday on the 18th September.

On the day Son was blown in the face of the 101st Airborne paras. Best therefore became a key battleground with both sides sending in reinforcements to capture the bridge.

Should the Best bridge be captured by the Allies, it would provide a rapid alternative crossing that is only 6km away from Son. This makes this a critical scenario in the Campaign, and if the Americans can capture and hold the bridge long enough for XXX Corps to arrive, they can get Market Garden back on schedule. Of course, the German forces must do their utmost to prevent this with only a scratch force of recently retreated troops to take on fresh and highly motivated US Paratroops.

American initial forces consist of H Company, 3rd Battalion 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment with Assault Engineer support. Unknown to the Americans, Best is defended by Flak Abteilung 424 situated in and around the town. These rapid fire weapons and the rapidly escalating German forces make the town a proverbial hornest nest for the Allied forces.

Set Up
See map above. Table Outline is in red based on a small 4'x4' table with ground scale of 1inch=100 metres. One map square=1 Kilometer.

When setting up the game on the table we had the main road on table and the road from Best through to De Vleut. Best was represented by three or four building areas. Much of the rest of the table was open, in reality it appears to be a network of fields which are often tree lined. I think the 'Nieuwe' area with various lochs may actually have been forested in 1944 so I have added a green line on the map to show where I think the forest edge should be. This was important in the actualy battle as this was where the Paras advanced through to try and get to the Bridge.

Red dotted line: US Paras deploy to the East of here. Reinforcements also come on this table edge.

Blue Line: German forces may deploy anywhere West of this line, infantry are in slit trenches. German reinforcements come in from the road edge to the North West or from the road to the West of Best.

Historical Deployment
Allies: The US Paras entered from the drop zone and headed straight for the centre of Best. H Company deploys first with an MG asset and the Assault engineers in support. The rest of the Battalion arrives on Turn 3 as local commanders realise they need backup.

Germans: The Flak guns were historically deployed in and around the main road and junction at Best. See Reinforcements for further troops arrivals.

Pre-game Reconnaissance and Bombardment (see page 59 & 60)
This game starts immediately after the landings, and as such there has been no time for pre-game reconnaissance or bombardment.

Victory Conditions

The scenario lasts for 8 turns. The first 4 turns represent the afternoon of the 17th of September as the 3/502nd marches off the drop zone and towards Best. Reinforcements from the 2nd Battalion arrive from Turn 4 and represent the morning attack by the 2nd Battalion on 18th September that was bloodily repulsed. The game ends on Turn 8, with historically the US troops observed the bridge being blown around mid-day on the 18th.

Campaign Victory Points: 
Asess at end of Turn 8:

US forces Hold the Bridge                 3 CVP
Retain the Landing Zone                    1 CVP
Capture and hold Best crossroads     1 CVP

Principally German objectives are to prevent British acquiring VP's.

Historical Outcome
Both sides appear to have been caught off guard. Best was lightly held by German troops in the form of a Flak Abteilung to defend the bridge from bombers. It took the Germans some time to co-ordinate holding the bridge and then blowing it.

The American attack was lead by a sole US Para company - H Company led by Captain Robert E. Jones, supported by a platoon of Engineers and an LMG team. These men boldly set out towards Best, aiming to find the main road, establish a roadblock then move down to capture the Bridge. They were unexpectedly heavily engaged by German MG teams and the FLAK as they approached Best, and the unit became separated.

Lt.Col Cole committed the rest of the battalion on hearing of the heavy resistance, and Lt. Wierzbowski with engineers and a MG managed to push south going through the forest and by nightfall had managed to get within 100 yards of the Bridge. These brave troops held out on the side of the canal and were engaged constantly by German troops through the night and became completely cut-off. The rest of the battalion was heavily engaged and had retreated to the forest edge to the East of Best.

In the morning, day 2, the Regiment committed 2nd Battalion under Lt. Col. Chappuis as the realisation of the significance of capturing the crossing now that Son had been blown on day one. A text-book attack was launched from the Landing Zone which started well but then came under devastating fire from the village. The Battalion suffered terrible casualties and pulled back to regroup. They were later ordered down through the forest through 3rd Battalion lines, with the under heavy fire 3rd Battalion c/o Lt. Col. Robert Cole falling in battle to a sniper while attempting to call in air support.

Meanwhile at the bridge Lt. Wierzbowksi's men were in a desperate battle with German troops and were taking heavy casualties. The platoon was cut-off and unable to make contact with battalion. 2nd Battalion were not able to get through to the cut-off men at the bridge and the bridge was blown at 11am by German troops. It's likely this happened after XXX Corps forward recon units were approaching. With the loss of the bridge at Son, and the alternative at Best, XXX Corps would be delayed until the following morning, the 19th, until they could resume their advance.

Players Notes
This is an interesting scenario that is perhaps not as well known as the other main battles. The Allies can potentially have a significant effect on the outcome of Market Garden if they can capture and hold the bridge.

The initial German forces are quite powerful and they will increase in strength as the game goes on. Rapid capturing and holding of the bridge will be critical to the Americans success.

Both sides receive reinforcements in this scenario.

German Reinforcements
The GM or German Player should roll for reinforcements from Turn 2 with a d6. Cross off each number when it is rolled and if a number is re-rolled then roll again. The Germans arrive by road - d6 which 1,2,3 North road or 4,5,6 West of Best.

d6 roll
1   No reinforcements
2   Grenadier Battalion II
3   No reinforcements
4   Grenadier Battalion I
5   No reinforcements
6   SS Police Battalion

American Reinforcements
These arrive from Turn 4 onwards. Roll a d6 each turn, with the reinforcements arriving at the drop zone table edge on a roll of 5 or 6. Add one to the dice roll each subsequent turn from Turn 4.

American Forces

Force Morale: 6  5  4  3  2  1
(see page 37-38)

3rd Battalion 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Div.
Lt. Col. Robert G. Cole
Command: +1(+2) Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response:7  Hits:3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 81mm Mortar ###  (5) 60mm Mortar ####
Assets: 2 x MG, 2 x Assault Engineers
Transport: on foot
Optional Deployment: Historical deployment would be units (1), the Assault Engineers and 1 x MG arrive on Turn 1. The rest arrive later on Turn 3 as the lead company is reinforced.  

2nd Battalion 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Div.
Lt. Col. Chappuis
Command: +1(+1)  Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response: 7  Hits:3
(1) 3 x Para Rifle  (2) 3 x Para Rifle  (3)  3 x Para Rifle
(4) 81mm Mortar ###  (5) 60mm Mortar ####
Assets: 2 x MG, 2 x Assault Engineers
Transport: on foot

Air Support

Ad-hoc P47 Thunderbolt
Request   P47 Thunderbolt
Accuracy 3

German Forces

Force Morale: 7  6  5  4  3  2  1

Flak Abteilung 424
 Command: +1 (+0)  Morale: 7  Training: Regular  Response: 8  Hits: 2
(1) 3 x 20mm FLAK  (2) 2 x 88mm FLAK  (3) 3 x Rifle
(4) 81mm Mortar ####
Assets: 1 x MG
Transport: Minimal. The AT guns and FLAK were historically deployed around main road junction at Best.

SS Police Battalion
Command: +1 (+2)  Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response: 8  Hits 2
(1) 3 x SS Rifle  (2) 3 x SS Rifle
(3) 81mm Mortar ## 
Assets: 1 x 20mm Flak, 1 x Pak40 ATK, 1 x Infantry Recce, 2 x MG
Transport: Motorised in Trucks

Grenadier Battalion I, 59th Division
Command: +1 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Regular  Response: 7  Hits 2-1
(1) 3 x Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) 3 x SS Rifle
(3) 81mm Mortar ###  (5) 120mm Mortar ### 
Assets: 1 x Infantry Recce, 2 x MG, 1 x Engineer
Transport: Motorised in Trucks

Grenadier Battalion II, 59th Division
Command: 0 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Regular  Response: 7  Hits 2-1
(1) 3 x Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle
(3) 81mm Mortar ###  (5) 120mm Mortar ### 
Assets: 1 x Infantry Recce, 2 x MG
Transport: On Foot.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Operation Market Garden

4 Days in September

Scenario 1 -  XXX Corps Breakout

Battle map based on WW2 Topographic Maps from McMaster University Library
Used under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Licence
Click map to enlarge

The first game in the 4 Days in September Campaign using Kampfgruppe Commander 3 rules. This game is set on the afternoon of 17th September 1944 and sees XXX Corps attempt to break-out from their recently captured bridgehead at Joes Bridge on the Dutch/Belgian border in an attempt to reach Eindhoven by nightfall.

British forces were spearheaded by the Irish Guards Battlegroup, consisting of the 2nd (armoured) and 3rd (infantry) battalions under the overall command of J.O.E Vandeleur. These breakthrough troops were supported by a battalion of the Devonshire regiment which advanced in two groups either side of the main road with support from C Squadron 15th/19th The Kings Royal Hussars recce regt.

Both the Guards units were experienced having fought their way through Normandy, and had evolved their organisation and tank-infantry co-operation. They had recently started to deploy in battlegroups of 1 Infantry Battalion and 1 Tank Battalion, with each tank Squadron being assigned an Infantry Company which usually supported the tanks and were known to ride on them. Before this battle the 3rd Battalion had taken heavy casualties, particularly among their officers. The 3rd had just re-organised into 3 rather than 4 companies because of a lack of troops, and in the battle the troops rode in on the tanks, except the lead tank squadron which did not have tank riders.

The German forces facing them were a hastily reinforced blocking line of primarily Fallschirmjager tasked with holding back the British. They had recently attempted a counter attack against the bridgehead at Joes Bridge but this had failed.

Set Up
See map above. Table Outline is in red based on a standard 6'x4' table with ground scale of 1inch=100 metres. One map square=1 Kilometer.

When setting up the game on the table we had the main road on table, a couple of the minor roads to the West, and the minor road through Borkel. Dashed green woods and the march are light cover. Thick green woods are medium cover. Borkel, Hoek, Shaft and La Colonie are small villages of 1 to two building areas. Other scattered buildings were deployed for scenic purposes only.

Red dotted line: Devonshires may deploy South of this line. Irish Guards enter from main road to South.
Yellow Line: German forces may deploy anywhere North of this line, infantry are in camouflaged foxholes.
Blue Line: No vehicle movement off-road South of this line as the ground is very boggy. Other marshy blue areas on map are also out of bounds for vehicles.

Historical Deployment
 Allies: Devonshire Group 1 to the West of the road around La Colonie. Group 2 to the East of the road. XXX Corps were lined up on the road back towards Joes Bridge. Leading tank squadron 2nd Battalion Irish Guards had no tank riders, others did from 3rd Battalion Irish Guards.

Germans:  The road was a dividing line between the two battalions. Von Hoffman defended the Eastern side of the road with infantry dug in on the Belgian side of the Dutch frontier. There were infantry panzer-killer teams hiding near the main road, and the anti-tank guns and FLAK were deployed along the main road due to lack of transport. Von Hoffmans HQ qas in Achter de Brug. Also around 30 men were placed in an anti-tank ambush with MG and panzerschrek 2.5km behind the front line.

Fallshirmjager regiment 6 is responsible for defending the Western side of the road which they appear to have done from the woodlands.

Further back past the Dutch frontier the SP guns were deployed either side of the main road, at least one was among cottages running alongside the road. Further back still into the woodland were more German ATK guns and the 88 was encountered abandoned before the column reached Valkensward, which lies a little of the map to the NE.

Pre-game Reconnaissance and Bombardment (see page 59 & 60)
 KGCIII handles these very well. All forces are counted as Hidden before the game starts, using one of the methods used in the rule book, see Observation pgs 27-28 and Scouting in pages 51-52. We use the figures-on-the-table method. The Germans are classed as in Camouflaged positions.

XXX Corps has six preliminary Scouting missions, while the German forces have two.

XXX Corps has significant pre-game bombardment available to use on targets available following the Pre-game recon. This takes the form of each Artillery regiment in the Force list being able to fire 2 additional free fire missions. In addition, two squadrons of 3 Typhoons each make an appearance after the artillery bombardment and may attack as per the Pre-Planned strikes rules on page XX. These automatically appear and no Request roll is required.

Rolling Barrage (Creeping Barrage see page 56)
The British have a Rolling Barrage which advances up the sides of the main road ahead of XXX Corps fired by a dedicated medium artillery Regiment. In our re-fights we advanced the barrage about a foot a turn. 

Victory Conditions

The scenario lasts for 8 turns. The British objective is to get the Irish Guards Battlegroup up the road as quickly as possible while neutralising any opposition. The German objective is to prevent this or at least hold-up the British for as long as possible.

Campaign Victory Points: 
Irish guards get two units off North end of table, at least 1 armoured,
by start turn 6 or earlier                    5 CVP
by end of turn 8                                  3 CVP

Principally German objectives are to prevent British acquiring VP's.

Historical Outcome
A massive preliminary bombardment by artillery, bombers and Typhoons blasted the enemy positions and either side of the road, effectively knocking out many of the anti-tank guns which had been sited along the road due to lack of transport.

When the advance started, the lead tanks advanced 300 yards behind the creeping barrage which commenced at 14.35 hrs.

The leading Irish Guards squadron (no.3) was allowed to advance up the road by the Germans, who then ambushed the tail of the lead Squadron and second Squadron (no.1) from close range with Panzerschrecks. The column was then attacked by the Jagdpanzers and dug-in anti-tank guns. The Irish Guard Infantry disembarked and tackled the Germans by the road, taking in many prisoners pretty quickly. The tanks fired back and knocked out several Jagdpanzers with help from captured crews who pointed out known enemy positions. Significant numbers of German prisoners (250) taken from 15.30 hours after fighting had commenced between the Guards and the enemy.

The Typhoon cab-rank was then called in by the FAC attached to the Guards and this punished the enemy positions in and around the woods. The creeping barrage was then re-started in support of the Guards advance, with no. 3 Squadron being pulled back 500 yards and then recommencing advance at 16.30 hrs.

The Devonshires were soon involved in heavy hand-to-hand fighting with German troops from the start and bore the brunt of the infantry combat casualties. B Company was also caught up in friendly fire by the Typhoon air support. By nightfall they had arrived in the woods ahead of them around Hoek and set-up defensive positions, with the other group 5km away forming a defensive position on the edge of the woods.

XXX Corps advanced over the Dommel bridge at 17.30 hours with no.3 Squadron taking up defensive positions and no.2 Squadron supported by no.4 Company capturing Valkensward around 20.30hrs. At this point in the darkness the Irish Guards harboured for the night around the central square of Valkenswaard. 9 tanks had been lost and eight men killed from 2nd Battalion, 7 killed and nineteen wounded from 3rd Battalion. The advance resumed at 07.00hrs next morning with a squadron of the Household Cavalry in the lead. At that point contact had been made with the Dutch REsistance in Eindhoven who reported no sign yet of US Airborne. XXX Corps' advance was already well behind schedule.

Players Notes
This is a challenging scenario for both sides in actual fact and involves a tremendous amounts of hardware and rules around barrages etc. which KGCIII handles very well. There is quite a lot for players to take in though and those less experienced with rules should probably start with Scenario II, Best: The Hornets Nest and play this one second.

The British player(s) must get Irish Guards going quickly and try and use the Devonshires as effectively as possible. The Germans need to think about how and when they attack and try to conserve their force morale so they can continue to engage the British. The Germans may well find that, as in real life, their forces fall apart under pressure and surrender pretty quickly.

British Forces

Force Morale: 8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
(see page 37-38)

Irish Guards Battlegroup:
The battlegroup was commanded overall by J.O.E Vandeleur (see A Soldiers Story). I've presented the two battalions as two separate battalions, one tank, one infantry. However we have tried the scenario as two mixed 'kampfgruppe' style battlegroups with a mix of 1 or 2 tank units and 1 or 2 infantry units. This is because at this stage of the war infantry companies in the Guards were commonly attached to tank squadrons and you could interpret the organiseation this way using KGCIII. If you do this you might want to alter the Unit stats as I've downgraded 3rd Battalion slightly due to the reported high casualties, particularly officers, mentioned in the Battalion Diary.

2nd Battalion Irish Guards
Giles Vandeleur
Command: +2(+2) Morale: 8  Training: Veteran  Response:8  Hits:3-1
(1) 2 x Sherman V, 1 x Firefly  (2) 2 x Sherman V, 1 x Firefly  (3)  2 x Sherman, 1 x Firefly.
Assets: 1 x Recon Honey
1 x Air FO
2 x Artillery FO's (1 Per Artillery Regiment) - distribute as required.

3rd Battalion Irish Guards
J.O.E Vandeleur
Command: +1(+1)  Morale: 8  Training: Regular  Response: 7  Hits: 2+1
(1) 3 x Rifles  (2) 3 x Rifles  (3) 3 x Rifles
(4) 3" Mortar ####
Assets: 1 x MG, 1 x 6pdr ATK, 1 x Recce Bren Carrier
Transport: Either Truck or tank riding (1 company per tank squadron). 6pdr, Mortar and MG's are in carriers.

2nd Battalion The Devonshire Regiment, Group 1
(A & C Companies, to clear woods West side of road)
Lt. Col. Sir John G Carew Pole, Bart.
Command: +1(+1)  Morale:8  Training: Regular  Response: 7  Hits:2+1
(1) 3 x Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle
(3) 3" Mortar ####
Assets: 1 x 6pdr ATK, 1 x MG, 1 x Recce Bren Carrier
Transport: on foot. 6pdr, MG and Mortar have carrier transport.

2nd Battalion The Devonshire Regiment, Group 2
(B & D Companies, clear woods on road to Hoek)
Major G B Browne
Command: 0(+1)  Morale:8  Training: Regular  Response: 7  Hits: 2+1
(1) 3 x Rifle  (2) 3 x Rifle  (3) C Sqdn Kings Hussars
Assets: 1 x 6pdr ATK, 1 x MG
Transport: on foot, 6pdr, MG and Mortar have carrier transport.


64th Medium Regiment RA
Non-requestable. Dedicated to Rolling Barrage. Also fires 2 rounds in Pre-Game bombardment.
5.5"  5.5"  5.5"
FV: 6
(barrage width approcimately 16": 1.6km wide and 8km deep. If advancing at 500m a round as per rules, would advance for 16 turns)

55th Field Regiment RA
25pdr ####  25pdr ####  25pdr #### all batteries OS
Request: 8  Availability: 8  FV: 3
All batteries may fire 2 additional rounds in pre-game bombardment

153rd Field Regiment RA self-propelled
Sexton ####  Sexton #### Sexton #### all batteries OS
Request: 8  Availability:8  FV:3
 All batteries may fire 2 additional rounds in pre-game bombardment

Air Support

RAF Typhoon Squadron
 Typhoon (rockets)  Typhoon (rockets)  Typhoon (rockets)
Request: 7  Accuracy: 3
A new squadron is available every turn from the overhead cab-rank 

German Forces

Force Morale: (6)  5  4  3  2  1
(brackets morale is optional)

Kampfgruppe Von Hoffman: Training & Replacement Fallschirmjager Battalion I
Major Kerrut
Command: +1 (+0)  Morale: 6  Training: Green  Response: 7  Hits: 2 -1
(1) 3 x FJ Rifle  (2) 3 x FJ Rifle  (3) 3 x FJ Rifle * anti-tank Unit: FV 8
(4) 150mm SIG IG ##  (5) 81mm Mortar ##
Assets: 3 x MG, 2 x Russian 76.2mm AT Guns, 1 x 20mm FLAK, 1 x 88mm FLAK
1 x Artillery FO
Transport: Minimal. The AT guns and FLAK were sites either side of the main road due to lack of motor transport.

Fallschirmjager Regiment 6
Lt. Col von der Heydte
Command: +2 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Green  Response: 8  Hits 2
(1) 4 x FJ Rifle  (2) 4 x FJ Rifle  (3) 4 x FJ Rifle
(4) 81mm Mortar ##  (5) 81mm Mortar ##  (6) 120mm Mortar ##
Assets: 1 x 20mm Flak, 1 x Pak40 ATK, 1 x Infantry Recce, 3 x MG, 1 x Engineer
Transport: The anti-tank, infantry recce and engineers are motorised in trucks.

SS Roestler
Command: +1 (+)  Morale: 7  Training: Veteran  Response: 8  Hits: 2
(1) 2 x Jagdpanzer IV/70  (2) 3 x SS Rifle

SS Segler (Optional)

Command: +0 (+1)  Morale: 7  Training: Veteran  Response: 8  Hits: 2
(1) 3 x SS Rifle  (2) 3 x SS Rifle
(3) 81mm Mortar ## 
Assets: 2 x MG, 2 x Pak40 ATK

Artillery (off table, probably)

10SS Motor Battery
1 x battery 105mm Wespe ##

Operation Market Garden

4 Days in September


Kampfgruppe Commander III Campaign

Campaign Notes

Over the next wee while I'm hoping to post on this blog a series of battles that make up an operational-type campaign for the Kampfgruppe Commander III rules.

Market-Garden, fought in September 1944 in Holland, needs no introduction and has always fascinated me as a wargamer ever since I learned more about the battle when I was living near Arnhem for a short time in the 1990's.

I started to wargame these scenarios and gradually built up this '4 Days in September' campaign which we have fought over several times with some interesting results. I present these here hopefully to give more background information and some ideas that other wargamers will find useful.

The Campaign
I've organised it as a linked-battle style operational campaign. It follows the first four days of Operation Market Garden, from the start on the 17th of September through to the collapse of resistance at the Arnhem Bridge on the night of 20th/21st September. This was the critical time period when things could have gone either way - can the Allied players capture the bridges and end the war before Christmas 1944?

The game principally follows the Irish Guards battlegroup, which for convenience we're assuming leads XXX Corps throughout the campaign, and 4 key battles:

Scenario 1: XXX Corps breakout
Scenario 2: Best the Hornets Nest
Scenario 3: Nijmegen, Crossing the Waal
Scenario 4: Arnhem

Depending on how many campaign points the players win over the earlier battles influences the final two battles and ultimately at what point, if at all, the battered Irish Guard group arrives in Arnhem.

I'm not a WW2 expert, and this is just my own take on events of the campaign that I've read about. I'm always happy for corrections or new information. For us it was important to develop a game that played well inspired by the history as much as trying to create a simulation which is in reality almost impossible to do. Where I have given ratings for the various formations these are based on game parameters to make the scenario work and are not meant to be taken as a comment on individuals or specific formations.

I've researched the various forces as best I can. This is massively time consuming and although there is a lot of information available out there sometimes I've made the best guess I can and have tweaked forces, particularly the Germans where I thought necessary to make the game run better. I'd recommend for gamers to use the forces the have available rather than stress about getting exactly the right models. In the real battle commanders on the ground used what they had.

Kampfgruppe Commander III Rules
I've been a WW2 wargamer for almost thirty years and have played at various scales and operational levels. For me brigade-a-side seems to be the best way to actually fight the battles you can read about in the history books, and gives a good mix of infantry, tank, and support. By far the best rules I have found to fight this level is Kamfgruppe Commander by David Reynolds, now in it's third edition and available from Capitan Games here.

These rules are not overall that complex and you after playing a couple games you get the hang of them. Once you do they play like no other for me in this period and handle things like troop quality, and being able to respond (or not) to the enemy extremely well. Typical games in this campaign could be resolved within a couple of hours playing time, and means you can actually get the scenario played in an evening, and they give as far as I can see plausible historical results.  

I used the period British O/S 1943 1/100,000 NW Europe maps available from the WW2 Topographic Maps Series at McMaster University in Canada - you can access this online here
Maps are supplied under the Creative Commons Attribution: non-commercial 2.5 CA Licence

This is a fantastic resource for wargamers and to me gives just the right amount of detail you need, whatever scale or rules you are using. If you look through this website you'll find maps for most of Europe, incuding Italy and also Korea for post-war scenarios.

When we translate the maps to the table we generally only put main roads on, and assume the smaller roads are subsumed into Open Ground. Similarly we only portray major groups of houses and use several town blocks under the rules to do this. 
I game WW2 in 10mm which for me gives the best balance of big enough  infantry to use practically but small enough to use tanks en-masse. These can be painted quickly using a drybrush of main colour and then picking out odd details such as helmets, faces and weapons with another colour. Tanks can have another colour or two drybrushed on in layers to be an effective but fast paint job. I base spray with black paint from Halfords, then do an initial dry-brush of grey paint to provide a 'primer' layer, otherwise the figures suffer from the black bleeding through.

There are a bunch of manufacturers out there nowadays but my forces were built up primarily with Pithead Miniatures.

I also use Pendraken, Minifigs and the new Lancer miniatures.
My forces are based to the blitzkreig commander rules format, with 50mmx25mm bases typically for infantry with usually 5 figures to the base. Tanks are generally on 50mmx30mm bases, assets on 25mmx25mm single models, and formation commanders on 40mmx30mm bases.

There is a wealth of information out there for the wargamer, and the challenge is to find appropriate material that can be translated to the tabletop. My main sources for the campaign have been:

Osprey Campaign no24, Arnhem 1944 Operation Market Garden
by Stephen Badsey
An excellent book and if you get only one book I'd recommend this one. Covers all the main events and timeline very well, and includes a wargamers chapter at the end.

It Never Snows in September
by Robert J Kershaw
 The German view of the operation, but also an overall excellent detailed book and a must have for German force organisations

A Soldiers Story
by J.O.E Vandeleur
I couldn't get hold of my own copy but have seen parts of this great book which provides a lot of information on XXX Corps

Irish Guards Campaign Diary - available here 
Tremendous source of information on the battle.

A Bridge Too Far
by Cornelius Ryan
The first book I read on the operation and really gripped me after my stay in Holland.

A Bridge Too Far
the film
Arguably the best war film ever made

WW2 Operation Market Garden website
This is a great site full of otherwise hard to find information and photos

by Alastair Borthwick
*Not* about Market Garden but for me probably the best book I've ever read as a wargamer about the actual reality of combat in ww2 and putting this onto the table. It wasn't until I read this that I really got some sort of understanding of how battalions and brigades operated in the field. Highly recommended and very readable account of the 5th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders experience of WW2.

by Anthony Beevor
Recently got this, good book working my way through

Sunday 23 September 2018

Kampfgruppe Commander 3: 4 Days In September Campaign


I'm hoping to up date this blog with some wargames scenarios from my Market Garden Campaign.

I play this using the great Kampgruppe Commander 3 rules by David B. Reynolds and available from Capitan Games here

I'll upload some posts taking us through the Campaign which has four linked-scenarios, or Operational type campaign.

Operation Market Garden 4 Days in September Scenario 4 -  Arnhem Bridge Battle map based on WW2 Topographic Maps from McMaster Un...